d-ohp: hotguysonthedaily: m-onster: this is probably the most...
d-ohp:hotguysonthedaily:m-onster:this is probably the most gorgeous man I’ve even seenAgreed^his eyes!
View Articleirreluhvent: the sexual tension between you and someone when you tell them to...
irreluhvent:the sexual tension between you and someone when you tell them to shut up and they say ‘make me’
View Articledeadheartnyc: Dead Heart NYC introduces their long awaited...
Diamond T - $50 available at deadheartnyc.com on midnight tonight Leather Zipper T - $250 available at deadheartnyc.com on midnight tonight Silver Zipper T - $50 available at deadheartnyc.com on...
View Articlebulldawg12: A stunning iceberg washed ashore on the coast of...
bulldawg12:A stunning iceberg washed ashore on the coast of Alaska. - Imgur
View Articlekevinburnsred: queenofadodi: BEST FOURTH WALL BREAK IN TV...
kevinburnsred:queenofadodi:BEST FOURTH WALL BREAK IN TV HISTORYthis is why Will Smith is a god
View Articlel-umiere: nerahsladnuh: Einstein and his therapist....
l-umiere:nerahsladnuh:Einstein and his therapist. “Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.” -Hemingway I will always reblog this.i’ve been looking for this picture for ages, i love...
View Articlefuckyeahcuteanimalss: (via Confusing humans…)
fuckyeahcuteanimalss:(via Confusing humans…)
View Articlesmilingwiththebeatles: chain-of-prospit: themarilives: i hate the saying...
smilingwiththebeatles:chain-of-prospit:themarilives:i hate the saying “apples and oranges” when describing things that are completely different because they are both fruits you should say something...
View Articleherriestiles: shelterfromcold: two deer walk out of a gay bar, one turns to...
herriestiles:shelterfromcold:two deer walk out of a gay bar, one turns to the other and says “man, i can’t believe i blew thirty bucks in there”.this literally took me forever to get
View Articleclarissawayland: I have a weird mental disorder: I only listen...
clarissawayland:I have a weird mental disorder: I only listen the negative part. It doesn’t matter if a lot of people say really good things, I always see it negative.
View Articleendquestionmark: kingahell: kingahell: That thing that cats do that when they...
endquestionmark:kingahell:kingahell:That thing that cats do that when they are being controlled by satan. #you mean living?
View Articleimbringinglexiback: wearealiveanddreaming: alltimeneverland: t...
imbringinglexiback:wearealiveanddreaming:alltimeneverland:the-rckless-and-the-brave:How many hipsters do you think reblogged this without knowing that it’s Alex Gaskarth?^ too many.Awkward moment when...
kalimadevi:I hope you’re insured. ROFLMBAO!!!!!!!!!!
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