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It's funny listening to a song from your blog and hearing it on lckhalifas blog like 6 months later. Props to you for being in the music scene

charlesdutton: i think it’s so neat that everyone develops their own unique handwriting even though...



i think it’s so neat that everyone develops their own unique handwriting even though we’re all taught to write our letters the same way really it’s so cute


coledreams: give me those shorts wtf

you can't control your anons that I completely understand, but you don't tell them to stop either. Lauren doesn't talk ill of you, so why do you insist on smearing her name? what she did to Jah she did to HER, not you. I also understand the loyalty amongst friends, but you both seem petty and act exactly your age. I hope you receive some enlightement my sister. You seem like a good person.


i didnt say anything bad about lauren to that anon. i didnt even address the comment that was made. i said “ohp”. im not going to tell my anons to stop messaging me anything unless it bothers me personally. ill answer them accordingly. and yeah she fucked over jah. but along with that was rude to everyone she considered a “friend” so the others dislike her as well. not just jah. but again. didnt say anything to the comment. and lauren doesnt talk ill of me because there are no ill words to be said of me. i didnt ever do anything to the girl. im sure if she got an anon about me like i just did, she would publish it saying something along those lines. and she has. and has said worse as well. im not smearing her name. the people message me may be. but im not. and she doesnt tell her anons to stop if they talk shit about me. do i spy some kind of hypocrisy here?  bye

I caught my gf telling her ex bf she loves him. She says they're just friends but he was very special to her. Yet she gets mad when I tell friends I love them. What should I do?


tell her shes being hypocritical and talk about how yall feel about it

whats the name of your song


i have like 15 songs on my blog if thats what youre referring to so im not sure how to answer this

iamt-rawww: _

if you dont think lc talks mad garbage about you youre wrong lol i feel you n i dont have respect for "ill" 2 faced niggas.. lc needs someone to put her in her place with her beavis lookin ass


i know she talks shit lol

she just doesnt publish it on tumblr. 

which is probably why people are mislead. 

but whatevsss

my mom calls me


and is all “my job might be canceled so i can come home early”

and im like cool i wont be alone the whole day (not expecting anything but her to come home and chill)

but then shes like “wanna go to helen?”

……haha my mom is so random 

but HEY

not complaining

Advice? So at lunch with my mom we had a discussion about sexuality. And apparently I am not really gay because I havent always “looked” or “acted” gay. She says people who are really gay have a hard time with accepting it, so the fact that I accept that I am attracted to the same sex so easily makes me a bandwagoner. I have NEVER laid in bed with a man, I havent ever had any intrest in it. But I only think that way because I am “brainwashed”. I dont fucking know how to explain to her. Help?


uh she just sounds like she doesnt know much about the situation. and its hypocritical to say “youre not gay because you havent always look and acted gay” and then say “gay people have a hard time accepting it and you accept it so youre not gay”. like what did she think was happening when you were “looking and acting” straight? obviously that was the time you were figuring things out and having trouble “accepting” it. take her to someone who can help her understand it. or buy her some books

I bum it too much

Seriously who is lc


I talked to this girl named Jah. And she had been dating this girl named lc. We ended up stopping talking because she went back with lc. Then lc dumped her again. So yeah. That’s the story

lc says youre a weak ass version of herself and thats why jah went with you... shes not who she makes herself be


joedurr: A Bathing Ape - Joel Gregory - #01030313

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