hiiipowerrrr: To the blue ocean floor…..
smxlls: For today
useacond0m: wow


diluxx: slxve: That coogi sweater cozy boy
Okay so i have a weirdish question its hard to explain though. Alright so i bought some American Eagle mens boxers with the elasticated waist and the baggy bottom bit and the crotch is proper low obviously and its real uncomfortable. So i looked on the website again and saw the different kind of ones where it just has a little logo on the waist band instead of the big writing i thought they might feel better. How comfotbale are yours? Lool just wondering cause ya'know
well i feel like you are wearing boxer briefs and they arent comfortable. i dont like elastic waist bands. i wear the actual boxers. with just the logo. uhmmm boxers are comfy but get annoying just like every other kind of underwear. theyll get bunched up and probably stick to you if you sweat but i mean its something you have to get used to haha

Casual meeting with moms. Bum

Casual meeting with moms. Bum
is your hair wet in that picture you just posted?
Yes it is haha. No time to dry it
you're sexy with wet hair dry hair PURPLE hair doesn't matter haha
Hahahaha well thanks! I’m thinking if coloring a par of it. Not sure though. Hmmmm
Are you an UTK fan? I have the same sweatshirt!!
Lol no. It’s my girlfriends ex boyfriends sweatshirt. I mean they’re not my arch rivals. But I’m not a die hard fan haha
ooooohhh you should ombre it!
Ehhhh maybe! I like ombré but not sure if I could pull that off
what is your facebook name?
Lily Janel Sawicki
Bri looks really pretty in that picture of her and your bff!
That was before we were dating, but thank you :) lol
pfffft what CAN'T you pull off???
Ice skates! :(
ahahaha ice skates
And I can’t pull off girl clothes lol
When you get your period do you just wear panties under your boxers ? Cause I my friend who dresses like a guy just doesn't wear pads she wears double basketball shorts plus pants I think it's unsanitary,but to each their own right.
Uh I wear tampons. And no I don’t wear panties. I’m just really aware of what’s goin on down there so no accidents happen
I think you could pull of any girl's clothes you wanted to? ;) ehh? see what I did there?
Hahaha I get it ;)
My mall 💜

My mall 💜